Brandon update
Brandon update
Bugs Fix
- Fix minor bugs typo text
- Fix Hint Item missing
- Adjustmen Efek Baju Pink
- Fix Bugs Baju Pink Istri (removed/cancelled)
- Fix travel to Downtown start position
- Update easter egg Lele Gemes
- Update In App Purchase System
Menu Name in phone Menu
Fix Minor Bugs Typo
Fix Car Sprite in Garage at night and lights out
Add event Lunar times +18 (February 16)
bug version: fixed:quest deleted after sleeping
chinese new year update
chinese new year update
Bugfix version
- Text “Upgrade bag” is out of bounds
- Arrow Object tutorial covered by other objects
- problem with banner ads
- Mr. Soleh letters quest bug
- Online Banner Ads missing/embossed at run time
- Correction of out dated ad link
- minor bug in gameplay area05
- bug notification letter is considered as a gift
- UX fixes
fix guidance quest child growth quest
fix minor bugs (text typo)
Mrs Lela typo in conversation (smallmart, heart 2)
fix waypoint function (if the player has bought a boarding house and there is a bread quest) it will not get stuck anymore.
fix gojek location purchase to the bookstore.
- UX update (revised tutorial for buying coffee and bread quest)
- UX update (Detailing Guidance Quest to the wedding)
- bug fixes
Minor Bugs dan Typo
fix item quest player accussed missing
fix tutorial analytics
- Daily reward fix
- text fixes
fix typo and UI
fix image format compression
fix bugs user referral and other minor bugs
update Firebase Analytics
[x] New Daily Reward UX
[x] Important Sign (Arrow) in NPCs
[x] Detailing Pak Tio's Quest Description - Guidance player feature in pak tio's quest for bread
[x] Additional IAP Store on HUD
[x] Citampi IAP Store UI Revision
[x] Guidance Quest Introduction to important NPCs
[x] Guide to Sleep in Citampi
[x] Community Link under phone menu
bugfix version:
fixed: user referral star reward
fixed: seed text correction
fixed: silver star text correction
fixed: unable to interact any button in version 1.82.013r
fixed: whitescreen when opening the game
fixed: evidence letter items spawn into the player's inventory even though the player has previously given the item
Emergency bugfix:
Fixed: Cannot start game when offline
Bugfix version:
pet movement bug
citagram honeymoon Windy
fix for in-app purchase
Fix for In-App Purchase (player not getting their coupons)
Update: The story of a character from player's past.
Bugfix version.
Update: The story of a character from player's past
Update: The story of a character from player's past
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
bugfix version
edits on starting tutorials, daily reward mechanisms, and our studio branding
bugfixes for ramadhan event
bugfixes for ramadhan event
bugfixes for ramadhan event
added ramadhan event (will start on the first day of ramadan)
added ramadhan event (will start on the first day of ramadan)
added ramadhan event (will start on the first day of ramadan)
in new game plus, reindeer will now waits for you in front of the church in area 5 if you got it on your past games
rebalances cooking/crafting/writing results on wife's skill
- fridge inventory bug in fishery
- child location bug in boutique when the child is supposed to be in school
- fridge inventory bug in fishery
- child location bug in boutique when the child is supposed to be in school
- pet inventory bug in new game
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
Christmas event, until January 5th, 2024!
- You can find Santa hiding around Citampi in the middle of the night
- Santa will give you a "candy cane" when you find him
- If you go to Bojong Lima in a Santa costume, sometimes you can find a reindeer.
- Tame the reindeer by giving it a candy cane
- Reindeer have an inventory that also functions as a refrigerator. You can keep it even after the Christmas event ends!
- Christmas decorations in the church
- Landlord and CEO will plan to destroy Citampi after elder Sen's death. Stop them!
- You or your wife can have a graduation after finishing several majors in the college
- Added a lawyer's office in the downtown area.
- Landlord and CEO will plan to destroy Citampi after elder Sen's death. Stop them!
- You or your wife can have a graduation after finishing several majors in the college
- Added a lawyer's office in the downtown area.
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
New Feature:
- Story of new ghostly character
- Money Tree!
- honeymoon event for every wife characters, with heart token as a reward if you finish it
- food items can now go stale
- refrigerators are available in Mrs. Noer's store, on Mrs. Tuti's boarding house, and your home
- You can use toilets and showers to gain energy by spending time
- new quest to get refrigerator in Mrs Tuti and to get honeymoon event
- new costume for Isma
- honeymoon event for every wife characters, with heart token as a reward if you finish it
- food items can now go stale
- refrigerators are available in Mrs. Noer's store, on Mrs. Tuti's boarding house, and your home
- You can use toilets and showers to gain energy by spending time
- new quest to get refrigerator in Mrs Tuti and to get honeymoon event
- new costume for Isma
- honeymoon event for every wife characters, with heart token as a reward if you finish it
- food items can now go stale
- refrigerators are available in Mrs. Noer's store, on Mrs. Tuti's boarding house, and your home
- You can use toilets and showers to gain energy by spending time
- new quest to get refrigerator in Mrs Tuti and to get honeymoon event
- new costume for Isma
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
bugfix version
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
1. Elder Sen passed away event
2. New marriageable character after Elder Sen passed away
3. Instant sell free trial
4. Shooter game
5. Starter Bundle
6. You can skip the quest to feed your child using coupons
apartment bugfixes
Indonesian Independence Day version
Indonesian Independence Day version
- Isma honeymoon event
- PC version ready
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- bugfixes
- purple formalwear and goat will now follow you into new game when you start a new game+
- bugfixes
- purple formalwear and goat will now follow you into new game when you start a new game+
Eid Al Adha update, including new event-only pet: Goat
Eid Al Adha update, including new event-only pet: Goat
Eid Al Adha update, including new event-only pet: Goat
We added an NPC that will give vouchers to an upcoming Eid Al-Adha event. Gather the vouchers while you can.
quick fix version 2:
Milah update
quick fix version:
Milah update
- Ascension of Christ event (17 to 28 May)
- added a limit on money and bank account so that it won't revert to negative number
- wife ability button isn't working
- wife's dialogue and inventory overlapped
- can't enter apartment if furniture is blocking the door
- typo fixes
minor bugfixes:
- fixes citagram image problems in heart events
- added alt connection for connecting to apartments
- fixes masking problem in credit screen
- fixes so that birthday notification isn't showing in calendar for NPCs that we didn't know yet
- You can still do Eid Event after finishing on some devices
- Problems when your child is watering plants
- Your father cannot talk after giving items.
- Eid Al-Fitr event
- Player can give birthday gift to NPCs
- Eid Al-Fitr event
- Player can give birthday gift to NPCs
- fixed: heart cutscene bug can be repeated when offline
- fixed: stuck after doing toy chest quest (From Dr. Dimas)
- fixed: friendship tokens and gold friendship tokens do not match the number of friendships
- fixed: android 7 and below fails to connect to the apartment
- Free iftar in front of the mosque during Ramadan when you are online
- You can directly enter the garage from the garage door in your house in Area 3
- You can sell unused furniture to Mr. Tatang
- you can try on clothes before buying in Alex's clothing Store
- Every time you unlock a cutscene (heart 1, 2 and 3 cutscene) with every girl, now you'll also unlock an image. There's a total of 30 new images.
- Free iftar in front of the mosque during Ramadan when you are online
- You can directly enter the garage from the garage door in your house in Area 3
- You can sell unused furniture to Mr. Tatang
- you can try on clothes before buying in Alex's clothing Store
- Every time you unlock a cutscene (heart 1, 2 and 3 cutscene) with every girl, now you'll also unlock an image. There's a total of 30 new images.
- Free iftar in front of the mosque during Ramadan when you are online
- You can directly enter the garage from the garage door in your house in Area 3
- You can sell unused furniture to Mr. Tatang
- you can try on clothes before buying in Alex's clothing Store
- Every time you unlock a cutscene (heart 1, 2 and 3 cutscene) with every girl, now you'll also unlock an image. There's a total of 30 new images.
- Important bugfix where you can get "hand puppet" from wife's workplace, and this will break baby furniture quest chain
- Fixed an exploit where you can overlap item in apartment to generate enormous revenue
- Fixed bug where you will still get 0 revenue even when you pay your electricity bill a the start of the day
- Error when you disconnect your internet when you want to select other player's apartment
- Other minor bugs
bugfix: fixed app crashes and connection issues
New features:
1. wife's job
2. Request to your wife (cooking, art/craft, literature)
3. new area (downtown) by car
4. There are banks and apartments downtown
5. You can buy apartments, decorate them, and rent them to earn income. You can also view the apartments of other players
6. There is a new job at the bank
7. You can save money in the bank and get bank interest
8. You can fill up your car in the city center, village, and Bojong Lima Campus
- added "special parcel" in Mr.Tatang's store that adds +15 relationship to all NPC/pets
- you can now buy one location at a time for cheap price on online drive option. No need to buy all location at once
- added "area 1-6" in online drive
- added option to save your game if you want to see rewarded ad, but your device is prone to crashing
- bug fixes: see for details
bugfix version
- fixed: cat/deer item search area decreased to prevent pet being stuck when searching item problem
- check for cheating event moved from area 3 to inside your home (to prevent conflict with other event such as sleep when overworked/tired, run out of gas, and marriage)
- coupon bonus work feature disabled in work tutorial to prevent player being stuck there
- typo fixes
- deer food image fixed
bugfix version
Major update:
Garage, car shop, cars, new areas outside Citampi (bojong Lima Village and campus), schild school quests, child school score and effects. Many more.
For details, go to:
bugfix version
Major update:
Garage, car shop, cars, new areas outside Citampi (bojong Lima Village and campus), schild school quests, child school score and effects. Many more.
For details, go to:
Bug fixed:
No NPC images on weeding scene. Banner blocking popups when connection isn't stable, few users cannot go past loading bar before mainmenu
Added feature: - exclamation marks on regular NPC that have quests.
Major update:
Garage, car shop, cars, new areas outside Citampi (bojong Lima Village and campus), schild school quests, child school score and effects. Many more.
For details, go to:
- Fixed coupon IAP error/double registering that happens when connection is unstable
- Fixed rare occasion when user is stuck on asset loading screen on the start of the game
- rare cases on older phones where pregnant quest can double-over
- soft-lock on "waiting from server" screen on deferred purchase or purchase failed
- rare cases where ad failed to show and making the screen blank
release note:
BUGFIX version:
- fixed online save error when user have bad ending (game over CG)
- Upgraded android requirement to android 6 to prevent ANR problems when changing screen
- Added local ad for merchandise (Indonesian only)
- Added checks for deferred purchases in IAP
- bugfixes for reported bugs
- save system overhaul
- two items added: gift parcel and pet nametag
- A special offline "ad" added
- picture edits/improvements for CG scenes for Sarah, Windy, Nabila, and Isma
- Main menu images that will change depending on the time.
Bugfix version
New area (area 6), new wife romantic event after married, pets and animals care, new fishing spot, added Village Hall to build facilities, custom fishing spot (fishery) and relationship updates
- Emergency fix version: Fixed crashes and App not responding issues due to backed change in ad server
Detailed log at:
- Fixed crashes and App not responding issues related to ads
- Fixed bug concerning child name in conversation
Detailed log at:
Bugfixes release. Detailed log at:
Release log at:
EMERGENCY BUGFIX: Disabling a delete button that was used for testing that can potentially damages your game permanently.
More on release log at:
bug fixes and optimizations.
* If you lost quest items, you can now retrieve it in the laundry.
* Fixed bug where you can retrieve items from trash can even though you haven't got gloves yet and it's not glittering
* Fixed bug where you can't work even though you've fulfilled the job description
* Fixed other minor bugs